Thu 09 Jan
Tall And Slim Come Recollect and Rejuvenate Yourself With Sensual P_R_O_S_T_A_T_E massage - 23
** Come Enjoy Erotic Massage Pleasure With Me ** Military Appreciation Specials - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
beautiful seunsual Laura! I will do anything to please ! 'full body massage , prostate and much more - 28
(Norfolk, virginia beach/norfolk)
Sugar and Spice and EVERYTHING NICE!!!! Sweet Strawberry Blonde Ready Whenever You Are :) - 30
(Norfolk, Norfolk off Little Creek Rd. & Ches.Blvd)
⇖✘⇗ №➊ ReQUESTED ⇖✘⇗ ✰ ✰ = EXOTIC BOMBSHELL ✘⇗ * H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E *1 🔥0 🔥0🔥%💔 - 24
(Norfolk, Norfolk /north hampton blvd)
Ho! Ho! Ho!! Take your holiday to the Country with a Massage with an Irish Girl
(Fredericksburg, Hampton, Norfolk, Richmond)
Let's relieve intense tension{With Passionate Hands}New Location 💆 💆 Let me take Your Stress Away - 29
** My Warm Hands + Your Body = The Perfect Combination For Erotic Massage Pleasure ** - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
* ♥ A N G E L S * ♥ S E N S U A L * ♥ H E A L I N G * ♥ T O U C H E S* ♥ Prostate Massages* ♥ - 27
(Norfolk, outside gate 4 ocean view willoughby)
Wed 08 Jan
** My Warm Hands + Your Body = The Perfect Combination For Erotic Massage Pleasure ** - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
█► P @ R t Y T ! M E! ✨✨ErOT!C SEnSU@L✨✨ H0T seXXy ✨✨✨SEDUCT!VE M@SS@G3 ✨✨ - 23
(Norfolk, NewTown Rd)
** Mature Woman For Your Erotic Massage Pleasure ** Back In Town With Military Specials - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
Beautiful lady will give you a great massage that will melt your troubles away with lingeriee - 34
♛*✾ Special price is still available ♛*✾ @3786 VB Blvd.!!! - 26
(3786 Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk)
NEW& real 💛(smoooching)💕💕COME TRY MY ρℓ℮αδυRε ZONE💕 CoMe PlaY•*★👄★ 💘SEXY NAUGHTY MILF 💎💛💛💕 - 37
(DAM NECK AREA/ URS, Virginia Beach)
Simply The Best Deep Tissue Massage with a Gentle Touch! - 35
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
_______________ VERY SENSUAL _ EROTIC _ & STIMULATING (OH YHEA RIGHT THERE) _______________ - 34
Let me Leave you feeling like Jello !!! In calls and outs/ Last 24 hours in town... till 4 am - 35
*******Fingers from An Angel****** Relaxing You One Touch at a time - 33
(Norfolk, Chesapeake/Norfolk)
Beautiful Lady,Sexy Lingerie, warm lotion, candles, soft music, and hands that will melt - 37
DEEP TISSUE BODY RUBS by Lingerie/Fetish model ,COVER GIRL and experienced Masseuse - KELLEY - 90
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, va beach/norfolk)
Outside/Inside Massage in the Country with an Irish Girl - 40
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Norfolk, Richmond)
** Start Your Weekend Off The Right Way With The Erotic Massage Pleasure You Love ** - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
🌺🌺🌺🌺💕💕💕🍂🌱🌷Grand opening Amazing Asian massage757-383-4635🍀🌸🍀❤️ - 23
(115 Byron st Chesapeake VA 23320, Norfolk)
———B—E—A—U— T— I— F—U—L —*— MAGIC TOUCH —— G—U—A—® — A— N— T—€ —€—D —— S—A—T—I—S—F—A—C —T—I—O—N——— - 22
(Norfolk, Norfolk Visiting)
** ¤¤¤ Lac€y Lov€ ¤¤¤ Great Specials *** Italian & Native American Vixon *** ¤¤¤ Lac€y Lov€ ¤¤¤ *** - 20
(Norfolk, Incalls Only)
_______________ VERY SENSUAL _ EROTIC _ & STIMULATING (OH YHEA RIGHT THERE) _______________ - 34
GRAND opening Asian dream massage(very close norfolk 347-399-2208) - 23
(Norfolk, 809 live oak drive suite 21)
Beautiful Lady,Sexy Lingerie, warm lotion, candles, soft music, and hands that will melt - 37
Let me Leave you feeling like Jello. Incall and OutCall Nationally Recognized Massage Therapist - 35
______+__ The ULT!MATE =+= In UPSCALE =+= EROT!C RELAXAT!ON __+____ - 34
☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬★ Y♥U WILL L♥VE My SKiLLS ▬★ BRanD NeW GurL Up LaTe [×❤×] CALL NOW 7579516899- 29 - 24
(Norfolk, norfolk va beach chesapeake)
❤♛ ❤Don't Hesitate TO Try Awesome Holiday Specials!!! *✾**✾* Town Center 4725 VB Blvd.❤♛❤ - 27
(Norfolk, 4725 Virginia Beach Blvd. VA. 23462)
💋❤ TouchNTease ❤ Touch2Please 💋NEW TODAY'S $p€ciAls 💋💯 % REAL🔥Seductive MASSAGE 💋!! - 23
(Norfolk, Little Creek Rd)
DELICIOUS DIRTY BLONDE! 100% VIP Treatment! Naughty! Erotic! #1 for Hot Satisfaction! - 19
(Norfolk, All of Norfolk)
24/7 ______________ ______________ "FANTASY EROTIC MASSAGE" ______________ _______($35 3/17 ONLY!) - 25
(Norfolk, ♣♣♣♣♣♣~NEWPORT~NEWS~DENBIGH~AREA~♣♣♣♣♣♣)
💗*✾*♛ Asian Fabulous Masseuses Body Rubs & Warm Specials ♛*✾👑3786 VB Blvd.!!! - 26
(3786 Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk)
** Catch The Holiday Specials On My Unique Full Body Erotic Masages You Love ** - 43
(Norfolk, Chspk)
💋❤💋 $10/offGrand Opening💋ASIAN MASSAGE New Girls—Free table shower——757-409-6555—— - 25
(Norfolk, 5040 E Prin cess Anne Rd Norfolk VA)
AVAILABLE NOW!! **Thick and Busty, pretty brunette** N.Hampton blvd Va.Beach - 30
(Norfolk, Va.Beach/Norfolk border near Airport)
Tue 07 Jan