Wed 08 Jan
😘✨😘✨ Super sexy blonde babe ready to BLO your mind!!! ✨😘✨😘 - 28
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
💋SEXY Juicy Jenna🌷🌊 LATINA MiX💋ready 4 Fun!😀🐯😍😘Curves w/ No BRAKES #1 in any state!😎 - 24 - 25
(Norfolk, OUTCALLS, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Porn Star Mylie Moore Check Out 1 Of My DVDs Juicy White Anal Booty # 3 - 25
(richmond ~ Innsbrook - Incall Only)
(( SEXY )) ________ ❤ L- - U - - S - - C- I - - O - - U - - S ❤ __________ (( BBW )) - 25
Outcalls/Incalls Sexy Classy & Thick Mature Upscale Provider 34-29-42 - 31
(Norfolk, Norfolk/Virginia Beach)
❤ NOT burger king but you CAN have it your way ..Keyshia 70 special ❤ - 21
(Norfolk, N. Military Hwy./Airport)
🔥💥🔥💣💥100hh 🌟your favorite girl💯 is ready to please.💥come have an explosive time.🔥💣💥 - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk airport area inCall 🏩)
Tue 07 Jan
_B_4_ WORK °o★o° MO_RN_ING °oSPECIALo° $60$#;o B4 °o★o° W_O_R_K °o★o° - 24
(Norfolk, va beach area In-Call /Out/Calls Also)
She's a JaW! dropper.. SEXY, Thick and ,REAL ☆:-•*¨¨*•. WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED? - 21
(Norfolk, .........s.military highway)
Smart, sexy, sophisticated with a touch that will leave you in a state of bliss, my hands are magic!
___________ S __________ E ___________ X ___________Y * E ________ B _______ O_________ N ________Y - 19
Edgy, voluptious, or girl next door type... Temptations has it all. Cash or Credit. - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk, Va beach, Chesapeake)
FLE*X*IBLE_ & S u p e r° D-U-P-E-R THICK I book up FAST so call NOW !! 757-372-3143 - 99
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special!
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia B)
Chocolate & Ms.Carmel r back $80 $90 $100 speical all nite in/out call 7576184001 - 20
(Norfolk, norfolk,va beach,chesapeake,hampton)
D I R T Y »- ♥-» B L O N D E - 24
(((( HOT! NEW! SEXY! PICS))))
☆ Come play in my secret garden♡¤ LeTs Get CraZy ¤ ◇Princess of the Universe◇ ♥Specials 4 Everyone! - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk Incall norfolk & vb outcalls)
Early Morning Spls 💜💜💜Oceanfront N Military Chuchland Denbigh Richmond rd 💜 Out📞 And In 📞 - 26
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Norfolk Va B, Virginia Beach)
NeW & HoT ((ONE)) OF- A-KiND!! ♥★ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs 👯 ★❤Mouth 💦👅 Watering💋 Skills💎 - 21
(Norfolk, TideWater/OUTCALLS)
**SEXIEST ... SWEETEST... SEDUCTIVE** --- Exotic Beauty --- 100% REAL PICS!! Military Specials - 20
(Norfolk, incall outcall)
-:|:- Independent & Curvy -:| Come see me NOW!! Military Specials!!! - 23
(Norfolk, outcalls/va beach incalls)
Get the Pursuit of Happiness Special 30/40/50 Call to experience happiness - 26
(Norfolk, norfolk incalls)
❤❤ ••• ✰ $90 UNTIL YOUR SATISFIED (¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) POCAHONTAS IN & waiting All Night****°° - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk Va Beach Chesapeake Portsmouth)
Wanna Enjoy..all of Me ..Real Pics..get yousome...Real Love..Miss alexis..i do cater 2 all - 26
(All me)
Th€ B€$T of ''BOTH" WORLD$.... Turn Ur F@ntasi€$ N2 R€@lity All Day N All Nit€ - 23
(Norfolk, Norfolk Military Hwy)
SLOPPPPY we t t t ttttttt C-.u.-m TaKe A DiP *(CAN I tHrOw all ThiS BaCk oN u?)
(Feeling HORNY Now And NEED To EXPLODE?)
████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ SEXY SPECIALS 7AM TO 10AM ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ - - 32
(Norfolk, ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ SEXY MAMACITA❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄)
[★]M a i n°°►A t t r a c t i o n [★] *+* Sey & EnErgEtiC!! SPECIALS - 24
(Norfolk Upscale Incall Location)