Mon 27 Jan
I'm cherish tgif and available - 23
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Norfolk. Va beach. Military highway, Virginia Beach)
Mature Hungarian courtesan, available to provide you with an exhilarating experience. - 39
(Chesapeake, Chesapeake, will come to you, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
Sun 12 Jan
* Take a TRiP to 2 LaTiN AmeRiCa and AsiA iN OnE day * honduran / filipina sweetheart! - 25
(7cities OUTCALL ONLY)
Sat 11 Jan
💖AnGeL Latina BBW💖 let me be your Valentine💕Thick 🌹Sweet 🎂Ready💦 - 33
(Norfolk, Norfolk / Oceanview)
TaKe a Mental VaCaTioN to HoNDuRaS and AsiA aLL iN oNe DaY........ - 26
* Take a mental vacation to 2 LaTiN AmeRiCa and AsiA iN OnE day * honduran / filipina sweetheart! - 26
(southside OUTCALL ONLY)
* Take a to 2 LaTiN AmeRiCa and AsiA iN OnE day * honduran / filipina sweetheart! - 25
(7cities OUTCALL ONLY)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Simply best "NEW" PROVIDER in Town ( *SED *pLUCTiVE* ) ( *aDDiCTiVE* ) (AYgiRL)* - 19
Tue 07 Jan
💖AnGeL Latina BBW💖 let me be your Valentine💕Thick 🌹Sweet 🎂Ready💦 - 33
(Norfolk, Norfolk / Oceanview)
Sun 05 Jan
Ready to have some fun and looking for a fun girl then call me - 26
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach, all 7 citys)
Sat 04 Jan
Thu 02 Jan